Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crop and CTMH

I think we are having a crop on August 13, CTMH's new catalog goes live on August 1, there is a good special starting on August 15, I am planning on placing an order with Pam on August 15.

You can flip thru the catalog on the CTMH website.

They have a new cricut cartridge that will be perfect for scrapbook pages or cards.
I think it can take the place of many punches. And we won't be limited to the size said punches.
THis cartidge comes with three stamp sets that you can use with the shapes cut from the cartridge.

Order the cartridge set- $99 (3)
Aug SOTM - $5 (1)
A Typeface - FREE (1)
Pair-a-Phrase - FREE (2)
So really good buy 7 stamp sets and a cartridge for 104., save your money so can order.
Or if you just need anything let me know.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Says it all!

The problems we face today are
there because the people who work
for a living are outnumbered
by those who vote for a living.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scrapbook Stores

Well scrapbook stores are becoming scarcer but do seem to be advertising more.

So where do you shop now a days.

Some I have been to are:

A2Z Marion
Scrapbook Gallery Findlay
ScrapHappy Tiffin?
Simply Scrapbooks Dayton
Scrapbook Haven Howard
Scrapbook ?? Polaris
??? Coldwater
Red Letter Journals Grove City
Hollos Brunswick

Do you have any to add???

And of course Archivers, Close to MY Heart, Stampers UP, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Joann

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Just made chicken salad. Was thinking while chopping up celery, about a conversation discussing a "girls night out" with a carry in of salads.

I love salads. All kinds of salads, how many could I come up with? Can you help?
Just a few of my favorites:
Courtney's tossed salad
Tossed salad
Wedge salad
Vegetable salad
caeser salad
greek salad
Carrot and raisin salad
Jello salads (have always love the cafeterias jello salads)
lime jello with pineapple
orange jello with carrots and cabbage
bl cherry with black cherries and walnuts
strawberry jello with bananas
cherry jello with fruit cockail
Taco salad
Chicken Ranch salad
TGIF chicken salad
pimento salad
ham salad
chicken salad
turkey salad
watergate salad

paneras summer salad or steak salad

So what is your favorite salad???
Do you have a recipe???

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby Carrots:

The following is information from a farmer who grows and packages carrots for IGA, METRO, LOBLAWS, etc.

The small cocktail (baby) carrots you buy in small plastic bags are made using the larger crooked or deformed carrots which are put through a machine which cuts and shapes them into cocktail carrots - most people probably know this already.

What you may not know and should know is the following:
Once the carrots are cut and shaped into cocktail carrots they are dipped in a solution of water and chlorine in order to preserve them (this is the same chlorine used in your pool).

Since they do not have their skin or natural protective covering, they give them a higher dose of chlorine.

You will notice that once you keep these carrots in your refrigerator for a few days, a white covering will form on the carrots. This is the chlorine which resurfaces. At what cost do we put our health at risk to have esthetically pleasing vegetables?

Chlorine is a very well-known carcinogen, which causes Cancer. I thought this was worth passing on. Pass it on to as many people as possible in hopes of informing them where these carrots come from and how they are processed.

Why oh why do we allow them to poison good food, and revel in the ease by giving them our dollars.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I recieved this email from WOF today. I have been searching for wisdom, for creativity, for motivation. So good to know.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. ___ 1st Peter 4:10 NIV

Sing the Song in Your Heart!!!

"Being creative is to find your own voice inside yourself, to identify your own ideas and aspirations. It means singing the song that’s in your heart, to your own melody. You’re the only one who can hear it, because it’s coming to you from God. If you look at this song with your intellect, it goes away because it doesn’t respond to your mind; it responds to your heart." Luci Swindoll

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Struggling right now on the correct words to say, to help those who are really lost.

Praying to speak right or to beable to hold my tongue.

I was directed to the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs deals with Wisdom.

Isn't God amazing that he has already had written the words we need to hear to keep our mouths shut.

Friday, July 1, 2011


What constitutes an emergency???

Is it only life or death, serious injury?

Or is "love" or "lust" gone wrong?

Just can't imagine calling my mom in the middle of the night to cry my "friend" of choice for this month has kicked me out.

Hello? what did you do? Knowing your past history, why would you depend on someone else?

The relationship is only five months old and you moved in with him.

Start making better choices.

Stop whining and fix the problems.

Seems to be in the air.