Friday, March 15, 2013

Simply amazing how quickly life takes over and I once again neglect this blog.
I know I will not post for the next few days so thought I would add a few thoughts from this week

I am reminded that God has a terrific sense of humor and does give us what we need, even if we don't know how badly we need it.
Also a reminder this week at how quickly our security can be taken from us and our lives redirected.

How people can influence our lives even if we have never met.

How generous my friends and family are.
How my sister is always there to listen to my fears, my vents, my joys.

The generosity of a good friend is going to allow me to welcome spring in warm weather with good friends.

My husbands love is allowing me to spend my birthday with my favorite artist.

Now after talking so many times about how our kids think they should celebrate their birthdays for a month, I think I will start celebrating this years birthday on St Pattys day, and finish it on my actual birthday in July.
And I just might do most of that either on the beach or having beach parties in Ohio.

My club page for next month was going to be a spring page, a ridiculously detailed page.
Not anymore, sorry it will be summer, beach, boardwalk, swimming, shelling, or some or all of those.
I love summer, I love the water, I love the beach, beach music.
Some always do fall, some school, some varied. So meet me at the beach.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Be a blessing!

Heard many complaints this week. Who did what, who got more, what are their motives?

It is so hard to find peace when you are feeling used and abused.

Jesus always turned the other cheek, found the good in a person, figured out how to give even those undeserving.

If you haven't figured out your purpose in life, go back to the basic. First and foremost you are here to love, to give. Give of you time and possesions.

Remember even when we give we have to take care of ourselves too, or we have nothing to give.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Are you listening?

So often I hear people say they don't have time. Time to take care of themselves. Time to exercise or cook nutritional tasty meals. Time to journal. Time for meditation.

Would you make time if your physician told you that you needed treatment for a major illness.

How many hours a week would you spend on chemo, or dialysis if you needed it?

Well moving your body is just as important and can prevent many of the diseases today. Diseases that kill.
The prescription is just as important as surgery, pills or iv's.

Please take care of you or you won't be here to help those who you think need you today.