Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gambler or Investor?

Which are you? Are you investing in your health or taking a chance on how you well you will be in the future?
We all have free health care! It is about taking care of yourself. If you actually listen to what your body is saying, not what you feel it should do, but what it feels, what it needs, what it takes to live, you have your own health care.

Live healthy take care of yourselve, invest in your body. Stop gambling! Learn to research, don't take what one source says is true. Research it from many perspectives. Take heed on who is doing the research that you read and what they are gaining from it.
Use common sense. Change one thing at a time. Survey your body and see how it reacts.

Does it really make sense to put a chemical in your body?

How can you believe fake food is good for you?

Why do we eat food that has no nutrition or fake nutrition and think it will make us satisfied?
Why do we feed it to our children?
As cheap as our food supply is do you really think if it benefits anyone we wouldn't be feeding the world with it?

Today show has Le Whif come on now we smell our cravings.

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