Sunday, June 5, 2011


What the heck did we do before cell phones?
When did it become acceptable to disconnect to the people you are with and show more respect for a piece of plastic with a few electronic parts?
How do you think it makes people feel when you don't answer when they call but when you are with them they answer or text everything that comes there way.

How hard is it to turn on to vibrate and check every hour or so.
We don't need to be in control 24/7. People can survive without us for a bit.

How about allowing you children to carry their electronics everywhere there is. Bright lights in theaters, dance recitals, ect. They can set for a few without being connected to their ds.

We are addicted, we are allowing our children to become addicted. We are encouraging it, using it as a babysitter, so we don't have to teach them to behave in social situations.

It's not a contest to see who is more popular, who can have the most texts.

And because it is happening doesn't make it okay.

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