Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Did you read the article about Drew Carey in the newspaper's Parade Sunday.
It talks about is weight lose.

Something he said in the article was that after eating healthy for several months he went off his "diet" and then felt horrible (physically) for the next day or several days.
He said, "Eating crappy food is not a reward, it is a punishment." He also said: That being healthy is not banishing a cupcake or piece of pizza, but eating the whole cake or pie is not eating healthy and you my as well hit yourself in the face as a reward.

Isn't it amazing how when someone is looking good and at the correct body weight we find a way to excuse their success as must have had weight loss surgery or are they wearing protective gear (spanx). Why does it matter. Its our excuse for not being successful. For allowing the "industry" to control us.
There is no magic. We eat too much. We eat too much of the wrong things. We are brainwashed into beleiving that things are healthy or good for us. That we should feed our kids these items, it will make them healthier.

If you kid won't eat any "real food items" it is because they are addicted to the manufactures junk. If you only have the "real food items" in you home they will eat them. Now you have too use common sense. Not everyone likes brocolli, but offer carrots, celery, cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli. Offer oranges, apples, grapes, bananas and strawberries. Some peanut butter, or cheese, or a bean dip. (If purchased please check ingredients) A piece of cut up chicken, a boiled egg. They will eat it eventually. All of the above items store well in zip lock snack bags. They will last several days in the frig. Some kids would prefer their vegies steamed instead of raw, so if they don't give in on the raw go with the steamed after a few days.

Please be careful adding in breads, most all of the bread sold today has loads of corn sugar in it along with additives that cause cravings. Buy a bread machine and make your own. Or find a farmers market to buy some. Yes this is a little work but try it and see how much easier it to deal with YOURS and THEIR behavior problems.

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