Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Joy is an emotion which I have been working very hard to feel and show this year.

I am not an exceptionally joyful person. Now for the most part I have always been satisfied with life, but have a real hard time bursting out in laughter.
I have always had a problems with jokes, the only ones I ever get are the really cruel ones which I just won't laugh about. The ones I don't get I usually try to laugh but never quite understand the punch line. I have always been this way.

For the past year or so I have made a conscious decision to show joy more but it is becoming difficult again.

Being in the car a lot anymore it seems as if the music on the radio is all sob stories. Watching tv wether it is news, reality shows or dramas seem to always focus on the negative. I feel it gets harder and harder to remain joyful throughout the day when we are constantly bombarded with unrealistic problems.

So I think a few solutions would be:

Take 2 hours of your tv time and walk, it will improve your mood, help you get healthy, and strengthen your endurence.

Make a joyful play list for your mp3 player to listen to while you walk. The songs should have a slow, fast and faster tempo. Mix them up so you walk at different paces.

Spend an hour a day preparing health foods, meals and snacks.

Mediatate for a designated time. Start out at 5 to 10 minutes, set a timer and pray, or just loose all thoughts. Whatever works for you. You can add time as soon as become comfortable with it.

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