Saturday, August 28, 2010

Other toxins

I know I talk a lot about food and what it does to our bodies. I think we actually have to make a conscious and long effort to remain without the items to see how much better we feel.

But sometimes even when we are eating correctly other items tend to sabotage our efforts.

Topical products do absorb through the skin and cause effects.

What we breath effects how we feel and how our body reacts.

Even what we soak in. Think hot tubs and pools. How many chemicals do you expose yourself or your kids too. (No chlorine is not safe)
Lots of toxins are absorbed either through our breathing or our skins. Yes we do have barriers but the chemicals, bacteria and virus have figured ways to get around the barriers.

Now some of this of course is good, but some is very troubling.

Remember the chemicals we use to fight the bacteria and virus sometimes can be much more lethal.
When we are exposed to numerous chemicals that do not work their way out and keep building. then we are much more at risk.
Please think about what you are using and doing, read ingredients even on the soap, shampoos, sunscreen and lotions. Try to find something you like that is natural and safe.

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