Sunday, December 5, 2010

Allergies and Sensitivities!

We all attend many carry ins or dinners this time of year so it needs to be said that there are many allergies and sensitivities that we need to be concerned with. It is not that anyone needs to cater to others problems but please be aware that people have these problems and be honest and FORTH coming on telling how your products are made. It is up to the individual to manage their problems but they can't do it without honesty from you.

Everyone has the right to their likes and believes but for some it is much more serious and please be considerate.

I was talking to a relative yesterday who ate a piece of cake this week. She suffered for several days with symptoms that were unnecessary. So two different problems with this piece of cake.
One it was sugar free, because it was for a diabetic. No problem just say so. Two it contained aspartame. Which my sister is sensitive to. So one person needed the sugar free, one person cannot have aspartame. Should she have asked? Probably, but I am aware she has this problem, many people do, it is serious, I am also aware that a friend has diabetes, I am aware another friend is allergic to fish, I am aware that another dislikes mushrooms, another rice. I also make it a point to tell these special people in my life that an ingredient that they can't or choose not to consume is in a product.
PLEASE because a problem is not yours doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
are some of the most common problem foods, the list is becoming longer. We are messing GMOS with our foods, which seems to make them harder for our bodies to use as nutrients and causing reactions.
Not asking you to change the way you cook or what you serve, just asking to be upfront and say this is.......!

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