Monday, January 31, 2011

The calm before the storm!

Are you prepared?
How do you prepare?

Does it stress you out when we get a forecast like this?

It didn't use to bother me, as long as the pantry and freezer was stocked, a little snow isn't a huge deal.

Then we lost electricity for a week. Others were out much longer. It seemed like forever, we live in the country so water is connected to the power. In a week your freezer thaws, you can't keep your fridge cold, the house can't stay warm, cause the blower on the furnace doesn't work. You can't clean cause no water, you can't watch tv and use your computer.
How spoiled are we. I am preparing, I am stopping at the library for a couple good books. I am filling a couple jugs with water and taking a long hot bath this afternoon.

It looks like maybe we will get the snow and not so much ice. And ice is what causes the power outages out here. (at least in the past).
So pray for the saftey for all of those who will be affected.

Enjoy the calm before and remember again this storm shall pass.

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