Monday, November 16, 2009

Tis the Season!

Wow can you beleive that the holidays are just around the corner. I guess when I don't want to deal with something I ignore the dates. I can not beleive that our family has their first holiday celebration in less than a week.
I haven't bought the first present or even thought much about what I am doing for anyone.
Last year we were all excited about going on the cruise and I haven't even printed out a picture of any of the cruise.
But with all of that what are you giving to celebrate the season. Nope I don't mean gifts for family and friends.
I mean giving, giving back, helping someone in need. Doesn't have to be monitary, it can be time.
Isn't that the real reason for the season.
I know time and money is scarce, but aren't we all so blessed.
So even if only once a week, do RAK from now until the New Year.
Reap the joy of giving a random act of kindness. It doesn't have to be much, just something kind for your fellow man.


  1. Deb,this is such a good idea....I know we are busy, but should be able to find some time to do RAK....Thanks for giving me something else to think about......Love ya.....Pam

  2. Yep even a card to a friend. A visit to a nursing home, a phone call to someone who you have been out of touch with. A couple weeks ago Joe and Ash were at a Aldis buying groceries. Joe had started back to work but hadn't had a pay check yet, and Ash was still off on medical, some lady came up and handed them a 20. It really touched them.
