Saturday, October 30, 2010


Are you a worry wart? How much time do we waste (time we can never recover) worrying about things we can not control? So much of the things that happen in our life our out of our control. Worrying about them does nothing. The answer is to actually turn those concerns over to GOD.

Not one person in the last day has even mentioned to me about the UPS plane in the UK.
A plane that was headed to Chicago, that was destined for a Jewish Synogue. Does that mean that we don't care about the Jewish people in our country or is it just that it doesn't effect us.

How devasted would you have been had that bomb exploded at OHara. ( I am not sure that is the airport it was scheduled to land at) How many people would have been effected. Would we be talking or silent the way we were with the trade centers. Would you be concerned then?

We definately pay more attention in this country to Charlie Sheen and Lindsy Lohen than we do to the terreriost whom are still going out to get us.

I know we can't worry about this, it is something we can't directly change, but we can be concerned, stay alert, pay attention.

God doesn't allow tragedy to happen to us, but when it does, he uses those tragic incidents to help us to move forward.

I am praying that we as Americans wake up to what is really happening in the world. That we figure it out, that the happenings in the world really do effect us on a personal level. That we learn to give in a loving spirit, not what others feel they need but what GOD tells us to give.

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