Friday, February 11, 2011

Eat Food

Okay so how do you eat food?

Get back to the basics. Do not buy pre-packaged. Eat as close to natural as you can.

If you grandma doesn't recognize it as food don't eat it.

Okay clarification, if someones grandmother doesn't recognize it as food don't eat it.

I am not sure my grandma would have recognized yogurt.

If you eat meat, look into what it is being feed. It is only as good for you as it's diet was for it.
If you eat fruits and vegetables check on how they are grown. If bugs won't eat them why are you?
Fats are not evil, use in proportion to your other nutrients, even weight watchers tells you to eat 3 teaspoons of oil. Please don't eat franken oils. Rape seed=canola oil, corn oil, not good for you.
Stick with olive oil, coconut oil, saturated fats aren't the bad guys they have made out to be. Problems have arisen because our ratios are off, our ratios between 3 and 6's are way off.
Be sensible, everything in moderation except FRANKEN FOODS.

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