Sunday, February 13, 2011

What is Frakenfood?

We all know that many of the manufactured food substances have no nutrition. They are made to make us think we need them, to make money for big business, to make us addictive to snack foods.
Even worse are those frankenfoods that convince us they are healthy.
Lets take tomato's. I love tomatoes. Fresh from the garden, sweet, acidy, plump, juicy, warm.
Great on sandwiches, wonderful sliced with a touch mayo or Italian dressing.

What about those canned tomato's that we use to cook with now a days.
First they are grown in large fields. They never ripen to the point you would eat them off the vine. There have been engineered to stay firm,(think rock) with less sugar, so they don't ferment after picking. So they can ride in large trucks to the factory to be canned in BPA lined cans.
After being processed, you know peeled, cut and placed in cans, they have sugar added, why because they no longer have enough natural sugar, so they have no flavor without the sugar, they also have citric acid added so they have the acidy taste. The BPA in the cans is so they don't rust.
It is a huge poison if it leeches into the food, it will with tomato's.
Most people eat lots of tomato and tomato products per year. They have many health benefits. Look for healthy choices, don't choose the cheapest (tho price isn't always the determining factor for nutrition). Better yet can your own so you know what is in those nice clean jars. Superior grow your own and then can them.
Taste the difference, You will not believe the difference in taste of heirloom tomato's if you grow them in your fertile ground without pesticides, herbicides.

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