Monday, February 14, 2011

Many things

WPF meeting tonight, 7:00 at Grace Church on Wells Avenue. The lecture will be on soaking grains. Think sourdough. Hoping this helps the sensitivity and I can eventually add wheat back in to my diet.

Why can't I copy and past into these blogger templates? Does anyone know?

Club Wednesday at my house. Look for any email that explains parking. With the thaw, it will be muddy and I don't want anyone getting stuck.

How well are you moving now adays. Have you started making yourself move more?
Where ever you are in fitness training, just be consistent and then add a little every week.
If you don't move YOU will stop eventually, just like the rusty wheel. You have to use the joints to keep them Mobile.
At our ages we have to think different. I know we all thought at retirement age we could slow down and rest a bit. Well that is meant for those have to things that we have done for years. As we get stop caring so much about those items we have more time to concentrate on our bodies and make them as good as possible.

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