Friday, January 15, 2010

Evil Games

Has EVIL touched your life?
It is lurking all around us. Is shows up in our lifes and so often we don't recognize it. Evil can wear all kinds of masks.
Anyone can be overcome by EVIL and beleive it to be just.

Beleiving in Gods mercy and grace is the only solution to combat EVIL. It can be done but not always in the time frame we wish for.

Please pray for the knowledge to see and respond to this evil that is stalking us.
Please pray for protection for the victims who can not speak for themselves.
This evil has lots of knowledge to destroy many things.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Deb, I'm going to copy and put on my fridge, so I can read this often......It is sometime to remember that there really is evil out trying to taking us down....Thanks again, Love,Pam
