Monday, March 15, 2010


Insomnia sucks! I hate the time changes, love more sun, but takes me for ever to adjust and it never makes sense. We lost an hour right, so I should sleep more. Fell asleep at about 10, last night (early cause it was really only 9) woke up at 2:30, really only 1:30 and have not been back to sleep. My normal insomnia is waking at 3:00, so I am really off schedule when you add in the time change.

So today I was going to start talking about clean eating. Michael Pollen, his Food Inc, Food Rules, In Defense of Food, if you have not heard or read any of his books or seen his documentary it is worth the time.

I was thinking about how easy we all are, how they can convince us of anything with a few ads, how quick we are willing to spend our hard earned cash on what ever "they" term healthy or good for us, or needed by us.

How we are told this works, to find out later it was all an illusion, it was a money maker for someone, it worked or helped a few, it didn't make a difference to a few, it made a few worse, it seemed to work for some, but caused this and this and this, so we had to use a new product to counter act those effects. Studies funded by those who produced said product are skewed to only show the positive.
How can we remain positive with so little truth being thrown at us. By taking responsibility for our own health, food, life.

Okay I was going to talk about all of this, but had a bump yesterday, so am waiting on this till a later date.

My amazing husband who has done everything he has been told to do and then some, who was recovering very quickly, who hasn't seemed to have any negatives effects from a TKR, is sick.

He is spending the night in the hospital, actually went by ambulance. They are not finding what is wrong, he is doing well, but something had to be going on for the way his symptoms were. So we will be testing and waiting on results and will deal as they come.
Today we should come home, but I was just feeling comfortable leaving him. I will not feel good about that for a while again.

So stir crazy again, we will see.

So I need all my readers (all 5 of you) to post some positive quotes, help me out here.

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